Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 22 - Instant Communication

Now this is an area I use more often than some of the other 2.1 technologies. I have been using Skype for about a year now mostly to chat to my daughters. It's wonderful. When I am using my pc I receive a message to alert me to them being online. I can then decide whether to give them a call or not. Same as with using Facebook. It alerts me to people online at the same time. I often have a chat to sometimes 2 or more people.

As far as using these tools for work. I can see that Twitter could be very useful in marketing library events or simply by commenting on current events/seminars.
Skype though would be awesome for Author talks in the library especially for libraries in country areas. Authors talks/discussions could be organised more often in future via Skype saving travel expenses.

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